Unique Student Identifier

What is a Unique Student Identifier (USI)?

Students undertaking vocational education and training (VET) need a USI to receive to enrol in a nationally recognised training qualification. Students only need one USI and it stays with them for life. The USI allows students access to their personal training records in the National VET Data Collection, meaning you will be able to find, collate and authenticate your VET achievements into a single transcript. It will also ensure that your training records are not lost.

Create your own Unique Student Identifier (USI) now!

For more information about USI you can watch this video:
Unique Student Identifier (USI) - Video for Students

If you don't have a USI?

You can apply now; it only takes a few minutes. Go to www.usi.gov.au

Already have a USI?

Please ensure that you provide National Training Solutions with your USI on the Application form when applying.  You cannot be issued with your qualification or statement of attainment until your USI is submitted.